Social organization (french)

Social organization

France works with the United Nations (UN) Security Council, UN Peacekeeping Operations, the UN Environmental Organization (UNEO), European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP), the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), NATO, the WTO, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Socialist François Mitterrand was elected president in 1981, beginning a record 14-year tenure in that office. He saw seven prime ministers and two periods of “cohabitation” (1986–88 and 1993– 95) in which the prime minister was from the center-right opposition.

France still retained a rigid social structure in the early 20th century, with little mobility among social groups. The social strata included peasants, craft and factory workers, shopkeepers, merchants, civil servants, intellectuals, landowners, and petty nobility. The old social order changed considerably after World War II, as the postwar economic expansion brought growing affluence to an ever larger share of the French population. The vast expansion of the middle classes reduced inequality of wealth and blurred the lines between many social groups. Today power, success, and money are more important than birth in determining a person’s social status.


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